"We can keep you from going postal"

    Steve needed his job output, a postal indicia added, two-color printing, a personal message on each letter, folding, the right address matched to the right name inside, his mailing list decoded and imprinted, his job sorted and taken to the post office... all from fifty miles away. After we pulled it off two days early, we think he got his promotion. Next mailing they want him to merge all that with a mailing list of people earning over $75,000 who drive convertibles and vote libertarian. He said, "No problem."

"I've told all my friends to come here"

    When Betty J. comes in with her wonderful "Little Old Ladies of Pasadena cartoons, we take the time to spruce them up and position them for the greatest impact. If Ludie D. comes in with her invitations in the shape of entrees in a frozen dinner pan, we help find the right steel-ruled die and the perfectly square, oversized envelopes to mail them in. When we ask a new customer how he or she heard about us, more often than not, it's because someone they knew recommended us. It may be the almost inexhaustible resources available here that draws them, but I can't help thinking it's the smiles and the extra miles we go to that keeps them coming back.

"You guys do great work! It's much nicer than I thought it would be!"

    From layout to graphics, from press to bindery, we utilize some of the most advanced programs and equipment to bring you printing and design you can be proud of. Terms like QuarkExpress, Pagemaker, Photoshop, Illustrator...On Demand Printing, Quick Process Four Color, Internet File Transfer...Book Publishing, In-line collating, folding, stitching, trimming...These are important words, but when they come with a team of dedicated and talented individuals, wonderful things take place with economy and speed.

"You do that too?"

    Shirley was in a jam. She needed to have thirty-five full color transparencies in the hands of the speaker at a seminar at the Doubletree Hotel by 9:00 am the next morning. Problem was, she was in Chicago still working on them and the last overnight service deadline had passed. She called us, we told her how to send the digital file over the Internet and after outputting them through our fiery color laser copier, walked them over by 8:45. We didn't know you could attach a hug and a kiss to an email message, but she did.

"Everyone is so nice and you all seem to know what you're doing."

    When we're asked what our specialty is, sometimes we reply: "People." The truth is, we know that every job is more than paper and ink... it often starts just as an idea or a need that one of our very special customers has. We want it to be right and on time so that you look good, not just your job. Oh, it probably helps that we love a great looking job too.

"Did you design all these?"

    Our logos and layouts are showing up in some pretty high profile places these days. That doesn't mean we won't give the same creative energy and care to the layout of your nephew's birthday invitation. Whether it's a business card with moss green ink on kraft paper cover stock or a four color brochure on high-gloss text, your ideas and ours combine to create magic on paper.

"Thank you for the quick turnaround!"

    We aren't afraid to tell you when a deadline is too fast if the ink requires more time before folding. We might even suggest you take another day to get the special paper order you requested, but more often than not, you'll be pleasantly surprised at the quick in our quick printing.